Sunday, January 22, 2012

So Why the Need for CommonGround?

Luke and I have been together for just over five years.  That is five years living under the same roof, brushing our teeth at the same sink, eating food out of the same fridge, and paying bills from the same checking account.  Those moments have given me a great deal of time to learn about my spouse, my partner, my friend.  Still, after all that learning, there are times he will say something and I am SURE that he must be speaking a different language.  Furthermore, there are moments when he will speak, and I have thoughts of throwing the nearest thing I can grab at him.  (And I know there are days he feels the same about me, despite how much we love each other.) 

Now, with all of this love and growing together, if Luke and I still need to work at finding common ground, how much more important as a farmer is it to find a place to come together with the people eating what we grow.  That is exactly what is going on with the CommonGround movement all across the nation.  We are trying to find a place to come together to speak the same language.

We officially launched CommonGround Kansas at the KU vs. KSU women's basketball game in Lawrence a couple weeks ago, and we hope this will provide many opportunities to learn from each other.  (Check out the article in the Topeka Capitol Journal: )  Many moms in the city have the choice of many grocery stores, with food choices aplenty.  I don't know what that would be like, because we have one small store and are thankful for it.  I want to know what is going through your heads when you make food choices, and I want to show you what my husband and I, and farmers across the nation, are doing to make those choices a possibility.

So please, if I say something in my blog that sounds like a foreign language to you as I write about our farm- please don't throw anything at me.  :0)  Do, however, let me know.  E-mail... Facebook... Tweet... just ASK!  If I don't know, I will find out.  No two farms look that same, but we are all just families like yours trying to make sure nobody goes to bed hungry.  And I hope that is CommonGround we can all stand on.

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